The ACA Bulletin (1938-1965)
The ACA Bulletin Magazine (1938-1965)

The ACA Bulletin Magazine was published in 13 volumes, from 1938 through 1965.
Articles, composer portraits, and record reviews were published with artistic covers and illustrations, and featured the works and writings of numerous American composers of the twentieth century. A table of contents of the articles is listed below.
Contact ACA for reprints, high resolution scans of individual issues, or the entire collection.
Click here to view ACA's revival of the magazine as the 21st Century Bulletin.
Table of Contents: ACA Bulletin Articles
Vol - Season - Year - Title - Author
1.1 April 1938 Aims of the Alliance; ACA activities and list of members
1.2 December 1938 A statement concerning ASCAP; ACA and the federal music project;
2.1 February 1952 Shocktaking--1952 Marion Bauer
2.1 February 1952 Wallingford Riegger Elliott Carter
2.1 February 1952 Untaxable Culture William Billings
2.1 February 1952 American Recording Society Bill Simon
2.1 June 1952 Roger Goeb Otto Luening
2.2 June 1952 The Composers' Forum Peggy Glanville-Hicks
2.2 June 1952 Concert Music, U.S.A. Carl Haverlin
2.2 June 1952 The American Composers Alliance Henry Cowell
2.2 June 1952 The Abstract Composers (John Cage) Virgil Thomson
2.2 June 1952 Words for Prepared Discourse John Cage
2.2 June 1952 The Louisville Idea Carl Bricken
2.2 June 1952 The Los Angeles Scene Halsey Stevens
2.2 June 1952 Experiment Set to Music Robert Ward
2.3 October 1952 Alan Hovhaness Oliver Daniel
2.3 October 1952 Music in the Southwest Harrison Kerr
2.3 October 1952 Music for the Modern Dance Lou Harrison
2.3 October 1952 State of Dissonance Wallingford Riegger
2.3 October 1952 The Los Angeles Scene Halsey Stevens
2.3 October 1952 The Roman Seasons Ulysses Kay
2.3 October 1952 Carillon Crow Normand Lockwood
2.4 Winter 1952-1953 A Laurel Leaf for Stokowski Oliver Daniel
2.4 Winter 1952-1953 Synthetic Languages for the Composer Norman Cazden
2.4 Winter 1952-1953 Talent Union Jay S. Harrison
2.4 Winter 1952-1953 From Baroque to Modern E. Power Biggs
2.4 Winter 1952-1953 Radio in the Southwest Harrison Kerr
2.4 Winter 1952-1953 Antonio Lora's Songs Marion Bauer
2.4 Winter 1952-1953 Music Written for Tape Recording Arthur Berger
3.1 Spring 1953 Arthur Berger Peggy Glanville-Hicks
3.1 Spring 1953 Alchemy by Stokowski Oliver Daniel
3.1 Spring 1953 Music in the Making at Cooper Union Peggy Glanville-Hicks
3.1 Spring 1953 Chicago Commentary Leon Stein
3.1 Spring 1953 Los Angeles Scene Halsey Stevens
3.1 Spring 1953 Steeltown Symphony Irwin Fischer
3.1 Spring 1953 Stimulus for Talent Ulysses Kay
3.1 Spring 1953 New Recordings Oliver Daniel
3.1 Spring 1953 Music for the Community Orchestra Christos Vrionides
3.1 Spring 1953 Of Time and Space Harry Hewitt
3.2 Summer 1953 Elliott Carter Abraham Skulsky
3.2 Summer 1953 Illinois Festival--Enormous and Active Elliott Carter
3.2 Summer 1953 In Texas Paul A. Pisk
3.2 Summer 1953 Alabama Bound Johan Franco
3.2 Summer 1953 Music Guaranteed Norman Shavin
3.3 Autumn 1953 Otto Luening Jack Beeson
3.3 Autumn 1953 "Les Six de Jazz" Peggy Glanville-Hicks
3.3 Autumn 1953 As Europe Takes to Tape Vladimir A. Ussachevsky
3.3 Autumn 1953 Experiments in Sound Peter Gradenwitz
3.3 Autumn 1953 A Lot of Night Music Stowe C. Phelps
3.3 Autumn 1953 Ah, Roma! Ulysses Kay
3.3 Autumn 1953 The University and Recordings Harrison Kerr
3.3 Autumn 1953 On Words and Music Henry Leland Clarke
3.4 Winter 1953-1954 By Weight and Volume Virgil Thomson
3.4 Winter 1953-1954 Henry Cowell Edwin Gerschefski
3.4 Winter 1953-1954 Cowell: Peck's Bad Boy of Music Jay S. Harrison
3.4 Winter 1953-1954 A Laurel Leaf for the Green Bay Symphonette Oliver Daniel
3.4 Winter 1953-1954 Nicolai Berezowsky Robert Ward
4.1 1954 Peggy Glanville-Hicks Antheil, George
4.1 1954 Return of Ulysses Harmon, Carter
4.1 1954 Southern Exposure Lockwood, Norman
4.1 1954 The Children's Hour Avshalomov, Jacob
4.1 1954 Charles Ives Downes, Olin
4.1 1954 The Roman Festival Thomson, Virgil
4.2 1954 Halsey Stevens Pisk, Paul A.
4.2 1954 New Recordings Daniel, Oliver
4.2 1954 Unities and Diversities Mills, Charles
4.3 1955 Charles Ives--Yankee Rebel Grunfeld, Frederic
4.3 1955 American Concert Music and the Record Industry--a personal view Hall, David
4.3 1955 Uses of Antiphonal Distribution and Polyphony of Tempi in Composing Brant, Henry
4.3 1955 Information Department Daniel, Oliver
4.3 1955 A Catalogue of Works by American Composers on L P Records
4.4 1955 Robert Ward Stambler, Bernard
4.4 1955 Incidental Music in the Theatre Ringo, James
4.4 1955 Fresh Relationships in Music Clarke, Henry Leland
4.4 1955 Music in Brussels Hively, Wells
4.4 1955 "Music Through the Night" Jones, Lee
4.4 1955 Information Department Daniel, Oliver
5.1 1955 Olin Downs (1886-1955) Glanville-Hicks, Peggy
5.1 1955 The New Festival Daniel, Oliver
5.1 1955 Modern Music in Texas Pisk, Paul A.
5.1 1955 Introducing Composers Recordings, Inc Clafin, Avery
5.1 1955 Music Festivals Al Fresco Daniel, Oliver
5.1 1955 Record Companies & The American Composer Hall, David
5.1 1955 Music in the Mountains Truax, Carol
5.1 1955 Southern Regional Composers' Forum Franco, Johan
5.2 1955 About Ben Weber O'Hara, Frank
5.2 1955 I Hear Ya Talkin' Kay, Ulysses
5.2 1955 The Critick Criticiz'd Morton, Lawrence
5.2 1955 A "Don't Buy American" Art Lang, Paul Henry
5.2 1955 Collaborations in Music Ringo, James
5.2 1955 An American Composer in Spain Hively, Wells
5.3 1956 The Music of Jacob Avshalomov Bergsma, William
5.3 1956 Scandinavian Music in the U.S.A. Hall, David
5.3 1956 Music in the Southwest Franco, Johan
5.3 1956 Festival at Mississippi Southern College Grant, Parks
5.3 1956 I Married a Musician Issacs, Edith J.R.
5.3 1956 The Louisville-Rockefeller Works in the Contemporary American Scene Hagan, R.H.
5.3 1956 Riegger's Modesty Fails to Conceal his Greatness Elwell, Herbert
5.4 1956 Richard Donovan Frankenstein, Alfred
5.4 1956 Even with No Fifth Symphonies for Sale Claflin, Avery
5.4 1956 The Right to Compose Goldberg, Albert
5.4 1956 An Open Letter to Albert Goldberg Kohs, Ellis B.
5.4 1956 Report of ACA-Sponsored Concerts Truax, Carol
5.4 1956 Seventh Annual Regional Composers' Forum Franco, Johan
6.1 Autumn 1956 Thoughts From the Workbench Kohs, Ellis B.
6.1 Autumn 1956 Summer Blue Plate Specials Truax, Carol
6.1 Autumn 1956 On the Notation of Harmonics for the Double Bass Sankey, Stuart
6.1 Autumn 1956 Problems on Writing an Opera and Some Afterthoughts Laufer, Beatrice
6.1 Autumn 1956 Lament from the New Yorker
6.1 Autumn 1956 Jokes, Portraits and Collages Ringo, James
6.2 1957 George Antheil on Tom Scott
6.2 1957 Some Notes on Tom Scott's Music Ringo, Jame
6.2 1957 Does Cotemporary Music Really Profit From Performances by Community Orchestras? Foss, Lukas
6.2 1957 A Prospectus for Musicians Harrison, Lou
6.2 1957 Discovering the Orchestra Conductor Riegger, Wallingford
6.2 1957 Contemporary Music in Louisiana Grant, Parks and Poteet, Ewing
6.3 1957 Quincy Porter Boatwright, Howard
6.3 1957 Summers in Aspen (1951-1957) Jones, Charles
6.3 1957 Problems of Our Time in Music: "The Great Performance" Goeb, Roger
6.3 1957 Ecstatics and Alchemists Lang, Paul Henry
6.3 1957 In Memoriam: Erich Itor Kahn (Retrospect and Prospect) Newlin, Dika
6.4 1957 Normand Lockwood and Choral Music Lynn, George
6.4 1957 A Note on Several Facets of Normand Lockwood's Music McDowell, John
6.4 1957 Some Reflections on Opera: Rolf Liebermann, Man of the Theatre Glanville-Hicks, Peggy
6.4 1957 Problems of Our Time in Music: A Plea Goeb, Roger
7.1 Fall 1957 Ulysses Kay Slonimsky, Nicolas
7.1 Fall 1957 Problems of Our Time in Music: "Dissonance" Goeb, Roger
7.1 Fall 1957 On Percussion Farberman, Harold
7.2 1958 Hugo Weisgall Rochberg, George
7.2 1958 The Lure of the Orient Ringo, James
7.2 1958 Toward a Musical Home-Rule Bacon, Ernest
7.2 1958 The Harpsichord on the Contemporary Scene: Roots for a Tradition Lincoln, Stoddard
7.3 1958 A Word On Adolph Weiss Cowell, Henry
7.3 1958 A Composer Reports from Washington Parris, Robert
7.3 1958 American Song: An Introduction Hill, Dona Jean
7.3 1958 Music of the Future: An Open Letter to Audiences Heath, Andrew
7.4 1958 The Music of Miram Gideon Perle, George
7.4 1958 The Music of John Verrall Beale, James
7.4 1958 A Criterion of a Modern Libretto Forte, Allen
7.4 1958 The Libretto Problem Machlis, Joseph
8.1 1958 The Music of Vivian Fine Riegger, Wallingford
8.1 1958 Music for an American Dance Humphrey, Doris
8.1 1958 Robert McBride: Practical Music Maker McKelvey, Nat
8.1 1958 The Composer and the Carillon Franco, Johan
8.1 1958 A Laurel Leaf for Thor Johnson Gauntlett, Helen
8.2 1959 The Writings of Norman Cazden: Composer and Musicologist Haufrecht, Herbert
8.2 1959 Harrison Kerr: Composer and Educator Ringer, Alexander
8.2 1959 Some Views of Subsidy Masonson, Norman
8.3 1959 The Music of Herman Berlinski Kayden, Mildred
8.3 1959 Johan Franco: The Music and the Man Hoskins, William
8.3 1959 Impressions of the Soviet Musical Scene Kay, Ulysses
8.3 1959 How to Become a Famous Composer Johnson, Lockrem
8.4 1959 Herbert Haufrecht: The Composer and the Man Cazden, Norman
8.4 1959 Lockrem Johnson: Conservative Rebel Freed, Arnold
8.4 1959 Laurel Leaf, 1959 Ward, Robert
8.4 1959 Laurel Leaf, 1959 for Martha Graham Terry, Walter
8.4 1959 Laurel Leaf, 1959 for Howard Mitchell Nelson, Chris
8.4 1959 Fear and the Creative Process Colgrass, Michael
9.1 1959 John J. Becker Riegger, Wallingford
9.1 1959 Paul A. Pisk Kennan, Kent
9.1 1959 They Hated Contemporary Music in Fort Wayne Buketoff, Igor
9.1 1959 Delinquent Composers and Juveniles Haufrecht, Herbert
9.2 1960 Lou Harrison Yates, Paul
9.2 1960 Erich Itor Kahn Smith, Russell
9.2 1960 The Newest "New Festival"
9.3 1960 Henry Leland Clarke Verrall, John
9.3 1960 For a Department of Fine Arts Riegger, Wallingford
9.3 1960 Wallingford Riegger Becker, John J.
9.3 1960 A Note on Wallingford Riegger Cowell, Henry
9.3 1960 The Music of Wallingford Riegger Goldman, Richard Franko
9.4 1961 Chou Wen-Chung Slonimsky, Nicolas
9.4 1961 William Flanagan Albee, Edward and Rorem, Ned
10.1 1961 Edwin Gerschefski McRae, Donald
10.1 1961 Daniel Pinkham Smith, Warren Storey
10.2 May 1962 A Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law Goeb, Roge
10.2 May 1962 Ives's Concord Sonata Frakenstein, Alfred
10.3 September 1962 Gordon Binkerd Hagan, Dorothy Veinus
10.3 September 1962 The Music of George Perle Weinberg, Henry
10.3 September 1962 Duodecuple Notation Bailey, Marshall
10.4 December 1962 Dika Newlin Wolff, Konrad
10.4 December 1962 The Music of Hall Overton Cohen, David
10.4 December 1962 Odon Alonso: Today's Music Today Custer, Arthur
11.1 June 1963 American Orchestras and American Music Johnson, Thomas
11.1 June 1963 A Composer's Credo Stein, Leon
11.1 June 1963 Ussachevsky's Film Music Whittenberg, Charles
11.1 June 1963 How to Succeed in Composing Without Really Succeeding Flanagan, William
11.1 June 1963 When the Chips are Down Composer Can't Bank on Getting a Loan Buchwald, Art
11.2,3,4 December 1963 A Quarter-Century Reflection Copland, Aaron
11.2,3,4 December 1963 The American Composers Alliance Who? What? How? Ward, Robert
11.2,3,4 December 1963 Letter to the Editor Morton, Lawrence
11.2,3,4 December 1963 25 Years of ACA-Highlights and Recollections Newlin, Dika
11.2,3,4 December 1963 Some Younger Members of ACA Wuorinen, Charles
11.2,3,4 December 1963 Notes From my Diary Luening, Otto
11.2,3,4 December 1963 CRI: A Sonic Showcase for the American Composer Hall, David
12.1 Spring 1964 Composers on Main Street Strongin, Theodore
12.1 Spring 1964 George Perle's "Serial, Composition and Atonality" Weinberg, Henry
13.1 1965 The Music of Mark Brunswick Gideon, Miriam